Super Sentence Builders

Help students understand "who?" "did what?" "where?" and "when?" Then help kids use those "wh" words as a strategy to expand their sentences. Adorably illustrated with original speech2teach graphics, Super Sentence Builders help create an adorable, common core aligned bulletin board.
What's included?
1) 4 differentiated graphic organizers that encourage students to write sentence by responding to "wh" questions (who, did what? where? when?). A higher level graphic organizer encourages use of adjectives as well.
2) Construction themed frames (color and black & white) There are a perfect place for students to draw a picture of their sentence. The frame includes word art "I can write a sentence" and "I can draw a picture to show what I know"
4) Sentence Builder Checklist (color and black and white) original graphics feature girl and puppy dressed as construction workers. Help students learn how to self-monitor their own writing. Consider adding your own feedback on the bottom.
5) Sentence Builders Visual Support Chart Mini Poster (Adorable, speech2tach original graphics).
6) Activity Description to enhance your bulletin board display.
7) Mini Poster (8x10 printer paper sheet) to enhance your bulletin board display.
8) "Students at Work" sign (8x10 printer sheet) will be an adorable addition to any writing display.
Need more super sentence activities? check out Super Sentence Heroes or Hands on Sentences.