Find and Say At Home

Also available as part of Early Language Concepts File Folder Bundle

Is grandpa in the kitchen? Is the baby in the playroom? Where did the dog go? Kids will love to guess who and guess where. They will especially love lifting the flap and finding the characters. SLPs will love the attached sentence building activity. Encourage students to add a symbol to a sentence frame and make sentences such as “mom is in the office” or “The boy is in the bedroom”. This printable activity fits in a file folder. Adding it to your speech box will allow fun and productive sessions for everyone.
What’s included?
Find and Say Sentence: Interactive File Folder:
9 room house layout with markings for placing the Velcro. The rooms featured include kid’s room, bedroom, nursery, kitchen, dining room, living room, laundry room, office, and playroom
9 character cutouts include girl, boy, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, baby, dog and cat.
“Flaps” squares to be attached with packing tape or Velcro to the top of each “room”.
Page with outlined silhouettes of the characters to store pieces and help avoid losing pieces.
Instructions for creating this activity
Sentence Building Activity
Sentence Mat: features 9 sentence frames and corresponding symbols.
For easy access attach to the back of the file folder with Velcro. Note This is a prep-worthy product. It is a printable activity so some assembly is required. You will need a file folder, lamination, Velcro and tape
Find and Say At the Park

Also available as part of Early Language Concepts File Folder Bundle

Who is doing what at the park? Will the boy ride a scooter or kick the ball? Will the girl fly a kite or jump on the trampoline? your students will love to guess. They will especially love lifting the flap and catching the characters “in action”. SLPs will love the multiple opportunities to target “who” and “what” questions. Help students expand utterances with the attached sentence building activity. Encourage kids to add a symbol to a sentence frame and make sentences such as “The boy will kick the ball” or “Grandma will sit on the bench”. This printable activity fits in a file folder. Adding it to your speech box will allow fun and productive sessions for everyone.
What’s included?
Find and Say Sentence: Interactive File Folder:
Park picture scene featuring outdoor objects soccer ball, kite, trampoline, scooter, skateboard, bench, slide and ice cream truck.
8 character cutouts include girl, boy, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, baby, and dog.
“flaps” featuring trees. squares to be attached with packing tape or Velcro above each object.
Page with outlined silhouettes of the characters to store pieces and help avoid losing pieces.
Sentence Building Activity
Sentence Mat: features 8 sentence frames and corresponding symbols.
For easy access attach to the back of the file folder with Velcro.
Note: This is a prep-worthy product. It is a printable activity so some assembly is required. You will need a file folder, lamination, Velcro and tape.
See full Early Language Concepts File Folder Collection​